Faculty Development Program on Mobile Application Development
Guru Nanak Institutions “Center of Excellence in Mobile Computing” organized a Faculty Development Program on “Mobile Application Development” under aegis of Department of Information Technology and Computer Science & Engineering on 3rd, 4th, and 5th of Dec 2015.
It was a three days workshop, Day one started with the inaugural addressing by Dr. B Veeranna, Director,GNITC and Dr. Rishi Sayal, Associate Director-III, GNITC. The resource persons Mr. Surya Vempati, CEO came from Snigdha Technosoft, Hyderabad.
In three days sessions 70 members participated from in and around the state.All the participants were given participation certificate, Kits with FDP material.
The objective this FDP was to train faculties in Android Mobile Application Development and can make students confident by transferring the knowledge. This faculty development programme was intended to explore the fundamentals of mobile computing techniques and its applications for students, researchers and faculty in the academic institutions.
The FDP was headed by Dr. Rishi Sayal, Associate Director-III, GNITC and Ms. Thayyaba Khatoon Md, HOD, IT-GNITC, with their team from IT & CSE (GNITC & GNIT) with the support of HODs, CSE, GNITC and HOD, IT & CSE, GNIT.
The FDP motto and objective was summarized by Dr. Rishi Sayal, Associate Director-III, GNITC and ended with vote of thanks by Mr. G Rajesh, IT-GNITC.